13, May, 2024Posted by :Reena Shrestha(14)Comments

I remember hearing a woman of great faith, Joyce Meyer say once, " the  greatest gift a mother can give to her children is her prayers “.

We all pray for our children and seek God’s blessings upon them. Yet I have learnt  that  declaring God’s promises over our children when we pray  is the most effective approach as it aligns our prayers with God’s perfect will for their lives. 

Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 1:20 – All the promises of God are ‘Yes’ and ‘Amen’ in Christ Jesus. 

In Luke 8:11, Jesus declared that the Word of God is like a seed. When we consistently speak God’s promises over our children, we are planting the seeds of His promises in their lives that will bring a rich harvest in due time. 

Ecclesiastes 11:6 says,  Sow your seed in the morning, and in the evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. 

Just as seeds planted in the ground require time to sprout, grow, and produce fruit, so too does the seed of God’s Word . Like farmers who patiently await the rains to nourish their crops, we must patiently await for the Spirit of God to nurture the seeds we are sowing  in our children’s lives -James 5:7 .

Isaiah 55:11 says, so is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty,but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

To all the mothers feeling saddened and disheartened at this time because of  the waywardness of your children , I want to encourage you that  God sees you, your tears, and promises healing and restoration for your children. Jeremiah 31:16-17  says,  Thus says the Lord: Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord; and [your children] shall return from the enemy’s land. And there is hope for your future, says the Lord; your children shall come back to their own country.

Our God faithfully rewards those who diligently  seek Him. As we persistently pray and declare His promises over our children, He will  surely fulfill His word and bring restoration in our children’s  lives.

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away” says the Lord – Mathew 24:35

Below are the scripture  promises I’ve collected thus far. Let us boldly declare them over our children regularly, knowing that the One who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23). This practice will undoubtedly prove to be the greatest gift and investment we can make for our children throughout their lifetime.

 I declare in Jesus name  –  

  1. The fruit of my womb (–children’s names—–)  are blessed- Deutoronomy  28:4
  2. My children  are blessed when they come in and when they go out – Deutoronomy 28:6
  3. My children are the light and salt of the earth. They are the ambassadors of Christ – Mathew 5:14,16  2 Corinthians 5:20. 
  4. God will pour out His Spirit upon my children and His blessings upon my  descendants – Isaiah 44:3.
  5. God’s excellent Spirit is upon my children –  Daniel 6:3, Proverbs 17:27. 
  6. My children shall always be the head and not the tail, they will always be above and not beneath- Deuteronomy 28:13 
  7. God has blessed my children with the blessings of Abraham- Galatians 3:14,29
  8. My children shall be  taught by the Lord and great shall be their peace. Isaiah 54:13 
  9.  The Lord will watch over my children and keep them from all harm –    Psalms 121: 6
  10. My children are growing in wisdom, stature and in favor of God and men- 1 Samuel 2:26, Luke 2:52
  11. My children are healthy, whole and prosperous in Jesus’ name –  3 John 2, 1 Peter 2:24,
  12. The angels of God are guarding my children, carrying them in their arms and encamping all around them and their school throughout the day – Psalms 91:11, Psalms 34:7, Heb 1:14. 
  13. My children will be mighty in the land – Psalms 112:2 
  14. The Lord will guide my children in right path for His name’s sake – Psalms 23:3 
  15. God has  given the  Spirit of love, power and sound mind to my children-1 Timothy 1:7
  16. No weapons formed against my children shall prosper. This is their heritage as God’s servants – Isaiah 54:17
  17. The favor of God surrounds my children as with a shield – Psalms  5:12
  18. Surely the  goodness of God and His love will follow my children all the days of their life – Psalms 23:6.
  19.  All who will see my children and their descendants shall acknowledge that they are the people blessed by the Lord -Isaiah 61:9
  20. God will satisfy my children with a long life and show them His salvation – Psalms 91:1
  21. My children will fulfill the number of their days – Exodus 23:25
  22. All the promises of God for my children are yes and Amen in Christ Jesus.2 Corinthians 1:20.
  23.  I believe that every promise of God I have spoken over  my children shall  be established in Jesus Name, Amen  – Job 22:28 .
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14 thoughts on “Declare God’s Promises Over Your Children

  1. JJyoti

    13, May 2024 10 months ago

    So blessed by this reena dd. As a mom parenting young kids. I needed this so much. Thank you

    1. Reena Shrestha

      14, May 2024 10 months ago

      So glad you were blessed Jyoti.. All praise to Jesus for His amazing promises for our children.

  2. Alisha Pinasha

    14, May 2024 10 months ago

    Dear reena didi so blessed with each verse of bible which make me more connected with god and encourage me to pray for my kids thank you dear sister and god bless you just love each and every words … once again happy Mother’s Day ❤️

    1. Reena Shrestha

      14, May 2024 10 months ago

      So glad you were blessed dear Alisha. you can print those promises of God and declare them over your sweet children regularly. Please feel free to share this post with other moms too.

    2. Dina Lama

      14, May 2024 10 months ago

      So blessed to declare his words upon my children and the generations to come. Thank you for sharing ☺️??. You are truly a blessing! ?

      1. Reena Shrestha

        15, May 2024 10 months ago

        Thank you Dina. All praise to Jesus for His precious promises. Please share it with other moms too.

  3. Roshani Bk

    14, May 2024 10 months ago

    Thank you Reena di I am so blessed to read all the verses.

    1. Reena Shrestha

      15, May 2024 10 months ago

      Thank you sis. so glad you were blessed. Please share it with other moms too.

  4. Rashmi Sharma

    14, May 2024 10 months ago

    Wow so blessed Reena. Kerp on writing and posting such a blessed vlogs..

    1. Reena Shrestha

      15, May 2024 10 months ago

      Thank you ama.

  5. Katie Rana

    14, May 2024 10 months ago

    Amen! Thank you for such a powerful reminder that our prayers for our children will not return void.

    1. Reena Shrestha

      15, May 2024 10 months ago

      My pleasure Katie. so glad you were blessed.

  6. Banita

    15, May 2024 10 months ago

    Thank you Reena didi for sharing these verses. It is much valuable gifts for Moms like us. I feel so blessed and encouraged me so much.

    1. Reena Shrestha

      16, May 2024 10 months ago

      My pleasure Banita. So glad you were blessed.

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