During this difficult season of chaos and uncertainty, God desires His children to stay strong and secure in the wings of His love and His promises. The fulfillment of His plans and promises in our lives are not limited to the circumstances around us .We serve a faithful and mighty God who still makes rivers in the desert and a way in the Red sea. We read in the scripture how Abraham and Isaac continued to be fruitful and prosperous even during famine because of the blessings and favor of God upon their life.
Isaiah 60:2 says, See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the people, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.
Receiving the revelation of your identity births God’s promises:
Abraham had received God’s promise to become the father of nations when he was seventy five years old (Genesis 12:1-4). However, this promise of God remained dormant in his life until Abraham was 99 years and Sarah was 90 years old. When Abraham was 99 years,God changed his name to Abraham (father of many nations) from Abram in Genesis 17:5-7).Likewise his wife’s name was changed from Sarai to Sarah(princess, mother of nations) (Genesis 17:15.). When they received the revelation of their new names, the seed of God’s promise was conceived in Sarah’s womb and Isaac was born.
What is our new identity?
When we accepted Christ Jesus as our Lord and saviour,we became God’s children
(John 1:12).
Jesus has redeemed us and made us His own with the price of His precious blood. (1Peter 1:19, Ephesians 1:7,)
And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.”(Galatians 4:6)
Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17).
What does it mean to be heirs of God and coheirs with Christ?
It means that every promise of God in the scripture is ours. For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God- 2 Corinthians 1:20
How do we receive the revelation of our new identity ?
As we seek God and love Him with all our heart, the Holy Spirit God continually sharpens our spiritual senses, whereby we can receive the revelation of the riches of our glorious inheritance as a child of God.
In Ephesisians 1:18-21, Paul prayed this prayer for the church of Ephesians, “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people”.
I remember a season in my life when God gave me the revelation of 1 Corinthians 2:9 “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard,and what no human mind has conceived, the things God has prepared for those who love him
I was a college student then and I used to seek God with all my heart. After I completed my studies, I was walking through a dry season not really sure about what is next. Whenever my near and dear ones showed concern about my future, I used to stand firm on this promise of God and speak out my faith The only reason why this promise had become alive to me was because I used to seek God wholeheartedly, and my spiritual senses were active . Even though I walked through the season of waiting , after I received the revelation of this promise, God came forth eventually in His glory and began opening doors one after another that amazed everybody who had seen me waiting on God. It was such a joy to see the people who didn’t believe in my God and my prayers, proclaiming with amazement that my God really hears prayers and He was the one who did those great miracles for me .
In Mathew 16:15-19, Peter answered the question of Jesus as to who they think He is, Peter said you are Christ, the Son of God.
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
When Jesus saw that Simon Peter had received the revelation of who He really is. Jesus revealed to him his new identity as “Peter” , which means “Rock”. Jesus says He will build His church on this revelation of ‘Rock’ and no gates of hell shall prevail against it. Jesus also reveals to Peter his authority that the keys of the kingdom of heaven will be given to him so that whatever he binds on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever he releases on earth will be released from heaven.
Today this great authority God gave to Peter and every promise of God in the scripture is available for you and me as heirs of God and coheirs with Christ( 2 Corinthians 1:20 ).
Deutoronomy 29:29 says, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, ….”.
Our loving, glorious and mighty God loves to reveal His secrets and the riches of His glorious inheritance to his children who seek Him with all their heart.
Our inheritance and authority in union with Christ is so rich and abundant. However, it is our responsibility to search it out and make it ours .
Jeremiah 33:3 says ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’
I also love how Proverbs, 25:2 says, it is the glory of God to conceal a matter , to search out a matter is the glory of kings.
My beloved friends, I pray that, may the eyes of your heart be enlightened as you seek the Lord with all your heart and may you be able to receive the manifestation of the glorious riches God has in store for you because of your union with Christ.
Thank you for making time to read my blog. Please leave your comments and let me know how this message blessed you . Hope to meet you all with the new message from God sooner than later . Until then, stay blessed.
28, July 2020 5 years ago
Blessed and wonderful.keep it up jethichhori
Reena Shrestha
01, August 2020 5 years ago
Thank you, Appa. so good to hear you were blessed.All glory to Jesus
Harrison Taylor
28, July 2020 5 years ago
Amen, Sister Reena! So comforting and encouraging to meditate on the promises our loving Father has for us in Christ. Thanks for sharing!
Reena Shrestha
01, August 2020 5 years ago
Glad to hear you were blessed, Harrison. All glory to Jesus who gave this message to us.
Theodora Rachel
28, July 2020 5 years ago
Such a beautiful reminder. Before the fulfilment of the promise, we need to embrace our identity in the promise-giver. This is indeed a timely word for me. Thank you for sharing ❣️
30, July 2020 5 years ago
Reena ji???
Such a beautiful & blessing to read your awesome devotional blog I am really blessed & encouraged by the word of God almighty. You have so much zeal & passionate heart for God. I always feel blessed & inspired by you when ever you share from word of God. Thank you dear you took time & share beautiful inspirational promise of God almighty. May God’s blessings hand be upon you always & used you mightily for His Kingdom cause. Looking forward to read your beautiful inspirational devotional blogs dear.❤️❤️❤️???
30, July 2020 5 years ago
Such a beautiful inspirational promising & hopeful assurance from Word of God almighty. I am really encouraged & blessed by your beautiful inspirational devotional blogs. Indeed God’s words are full of everlasting hope assurance, comforting loving & blessings. Reena your blog has truly inspirational blessings to me. You have zeal & hunger for God’s kingdom & His people. Whenever you shared from word of God it’s always inspirational & blessings in so many ways. May God’s blessings be upon you always dear. May God use you mightily through this blogs for His kingdom cause. Thanks again taking your time to this beautiful inspirational blogs.❤️❤️??
Reena Shrestha
01, August 2020 5 years ago
Thank you so much for your encouraging comment dear MIra. You are a blessing and inspiration to me too..So glad to hear you were blessed. All glory to Jesus.
Reena Shrestha
30, July 2020 5 years ago
Thank you Theody. M so glad to hear it was a timely message for you . All glory to Jesus.
Deki Tiala
31, July 2020 5 years ago
Reena bahini, what a powerful statement “Knowledge of our identity in Christ unlocks our inheritance and authority.” It is indeed an eye opening revelation for many of us as we often fail to realize that the spirit of the living God is already living inside of us. If we truly grasped the reality of this truth, we would never find ourselves pointlessly striving through our own inadequacies, instead we would be living a life as promised according to John 14:12- doing the works of Jesus and even greater.
Thank you for sharing such a heart-warming, soul-comforting reflections! Hope to live each day with a moment of reflection, asking God to help me understand and live these truths.
Reena Shrestha
01, August 2020 5 years ago
Thank you didi. So glad to hear you were blessed.
Manju Thapa
01, August 2020 5 years ago
So much fruitful and encouraging ..God bless you Reena baini. Keep it up .Hope to hear more about.
Reena Shrestha
02, August 2020 5 years ago
Thank you, Manju.so good to hear u were blessed. All glory to Jesus our Lord.
Prabina Parajuli
02, August 2020 5 years ago
Such a inspiring words of Gods. I am blessed after reading your blogs. Keep going. Thank you
Reena Shrestha
03, August 2020 5 years ago
Thank you Prabina. It’s such a joy to hear you were blessed. All glory to Jesus who gave us this message.
Jennifer Waddle
12, August 2020 5 years ago
Thank you for these beautiful reminders! I was especially blessed by Ephesians 1:18-21 and receiving our identity in Him.
Keep writing and reaching many for God’s glory!
Reena Shrestha
18, August 2020 5 years ago
Thank you for your encouraging comment Jennifer. I really appreciate you taking time to read my blog.
Leeza Kolev
18, August 2020 5 years ago
What a wonderful reminder of our identity in Christ. Great job sister, we are very proud of you and cant wait to see where God is taking you through this blog in the future. Proud of you for answering your calling and sharing your heart.
Reena Shrestha
18, August 2020 5 years ago
so glad to hear u were blessed sissy..
30, August 2020 5 years ago
Reena, we read together in family devotion And we are blessed .by It and reminded us what is our inheritance in Christ Jesus.❤️ Looking forward To read more ??
Thank you
Reena Shrestha
16, October 2020 4 years ago
so good to hear you all read it together didi. thank you for your encouraging comment always. sorry about the late response as I just saw it.
Laxmi Tamang ( Lydia)
09, November 2020 4 years ago
Jaimashi Di, I am BLESSED to read the message . May God Always Bless You di.
Reena Shrestha
09, December 2020 4 years ago
M so glad you are blessed my dear sis.. All glory to Jesus.