
17, May, 2020Posted by :Reena Shrestha(42)Comments

As the whole world is shaken by the COVID-19 crisis presently, every human on the planet earth is walking through a wilderness experience. The experience that Webster defines as “an empty or pathless area or region."

Trapped inside our homes for more than two months, mind engulfed with fear and uncertainty of what tomorrow holds, the daily news reporting thousands of people getting infected by the virus and taking thousands of lives and millions of job losses has taken a huge toll on mental and emotional well-being of people worldwide.

Each of us walk through different wilderness experiences during our lifetime. The feeling of loneliness, fear, uncertainty, and heartaches that the season brings is not something we would want to walk through. However, when we view this season through the lens of God’s Word, He reveals the necessity and significance of the season and gives us a reason to rejoice with hope even in the midst of it. 

He will not leave us wandering in the wilderness but brings us to the promised blessings once the purpose of a season is accomplished . The Word of God promises that, 

“The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.."Isaiah‬ ‭35:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah‬ ‭43:19‬ ‭NIV

Why do we walk through the wilderness season? 

  • For our spiritual growth and breakthrough

I have found myself seeking God with more hunger and passion during my wilderness season than in any other seasons. The dryness and emptiness that we experience in our soul during this season produces an unusual yearning for the things of God. Psalmist David cries out to God desperately when he was in a desert of Judah saying, “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭63:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

In verse 2, He says “I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.     

When we seek God with all our heart , we begin to see Him in all His glory and power. The Word of God resonates with our situation, and our spirit begins to grab hold of His promises. As we continue to declare His promises and be  persistent in our prayer lives,  we push our deliverance like a woman pushes her baby out with all her strength during delivery.I love how someone has enlarged the word PUSH as , Pray Until Something Happens. 

Matthew 11:12 says, The Kingdom of God suffers violence but the violent shall take it by force.

Many times the power of darkness fights against our breakthrough and tries to stop it from reaching us.  In Daniel 10:12-14 , the angel of God says to Daniel that God had heard and answered His prayer the very first day he started fasting and praying. But the Prince of Persia (the enemy) was fighting the angel from reaching Daniel with the answer. There is much resistance to some answers and breakthroughs in our lives as well. Therefore, persistence is what is required of us and we cannot abort our destinies by giving up the process.

(For reference: Luke 11:5-11, Luke 18:1-8, Mark 11:23, Proverbs 18:20,21)

 Daniel 11:32 says , those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits. (Daniel 11:32)

In John 11:25, Jesus said, I am the Resurrection and the life. He is able to bring resurrection and life to every dead hopes and dreams of ours.

Even though Jesus is able to bring deliverance and breakthrough to our situations through His resurrection power, He  weeps with us when we weep in our wilderness of suffering, sickness and loneliness. In John 11:35, when Jesus saw Lazarus in a grave, He wept.

This verse has brought me so much comfort when I was agonizing in my wilderness season. Jesus didn’t just weep with them , but restored their joy by bringing Lazarus’ body back to life that was lying dead in a grave for four days. What a mighty and faithful God we serve!

  • He transforms us in the wilderness 

Besides giving us breakthroughs, God also uses our wilderness season to transform us  into the image of Jesus. He breaks all the hard areas of our heart filled with pride and selfishness and turns it into a  tender and compassionate one where God can pour out His Holy Spirit to heal, comfort  and deliver many from their suffering .Jesus says in John 7:38, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them."

The Spirit of God begins to flow from within us to heal and deliver many.Isaiah 61:1-5. 

Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

The pain and hardships that we endure during this season makes us compassionate and empathetic to the suffering of others. 

In my own personal life, I have walked through many wilderness experiences. It gives  me immense joy to share with you all today that there were always greater blessings and  breakthroughs awaiting on the other side of it, as I continually persisted in faith and declared His promises. Isaiah 55:11 says, “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” 

Today I am able to comfort, encourage and pray for those who are walking through such a season with compassion and empathy, carrying their burden in my heart as my own. God grows this virtue inside of us during our wilderness season . He breaks our selfish, proud and insensitive heart into a humble and compassionate heart like Jesus’. Ezekiel 36:25,26.

 Every year, the arrival of spring season brings so much joy to my heart. The view of garden blooming again, dead trees coming back to life and sound of birds chirping is just astounding. When these same trees and grasses lose their color and look dead and dry during winter, it is difficult to comprehend that they will come back to life and bloom again. Our mighty God, author of all creation, who brings life to the plants again will surely turn our wilderness into a spring. There is surely a hope for your future,and your hope will not be cut off , says the Lord (Proverbs 23:18).

Even though the end of COVID-19 doesn’t seem to be at sight right now, let us continue to trust and hope in the one who is able to make all things new.
( Revelation 21:5, Isaiah 43:19)

Please leave a comment below and let us know how this message blessed you . Also if you have any more insights from the Lord or experiences about how God turns our wilderness into springs, kindly share it in the comment section. I would love to hear from each one of you .

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42 thoughts on “Spring In The Wilderness


    26, May 2020 5 years ago

    All GLORY TO GOD . AMAZING , it’s so true, I am touched by every word but this statement “ Therefore , persistence is what required of us,and we cannot abort our destinies by giving up the process “ shakes me …… MAY JESUS HELP US TO BE persistent in our JOURNEY WITH HIM TILL THE FINISHING LINE .

    1. Reena Shrestha

      26, May 2020 5 years ago

      M so glad to hear you were blessed Lydia..i treasure you and your prayers❤️

    2. Sudha

      29, May 2020 5 years ago

      Jai Mashi Reena bahini
      I was blessed, refreshed and encouraged by the message that you share. Thank you
      Let us trust and Persevere in In the season Of Wilderness to get the spring.
      May Holy Spirit revealing you more to reach out through blogging.

      1. Reena Shrestha

        29, May 2020 5 years ago

        Thank u so much for your kind comments didi.. I’ m glad u were blessed..All glory to Jesus who gave me the words to share..please pray for God to enable me to hear Him and share mire in future la..

  2. Graceful Moments

    26, May 2020 5 years ago


    1. Reena Shrestha

      26, May 2020 5 years ago


  3. Theodora Rachel

    26, May 2020 5 years ago

    You are a blessing. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. Reena Shrestha

      26, May 2020 5 years ago

      Thank you too Theody for all your support and prayers..I treasure you ?

  4. Theodora Rachel

    26, May 2020 5 years ago

    You are a blessing. Thank you for obedient to the voice of God and sharing this timely word.❣️

  5. Harrison

    26, May 2020 5 years ago

    Wonderful words from the Word, Sister Reena! Many blessings to you all!

    1. Reena Shrestha

      26, May 2020 5 years ago

      Thank you Harrison ..m so glad you were blessed .. All glory to Jesus ..

  6. Nabina

    26, May 2020 5 years ago

    such a wonderful message to each one of us. I understood why every wilderness season happens. It’s simply amazing as it encourages me and provide me with new perception of viewing wildernesses season. I literally feel like this is for me dee. Thank you for carrying my burden in your heart and always praying for me. ♥️♥️♥️

    1. Reena Shrestha

      26, May 2020 5 years ago

      M so glad to hear you were blessed my dear sis.. Jesus loves you and He has a purpose in every season of your life
      Isaiah 55:11.

  7. Alisha

    26, May 2020 5 years ago

    Dear sis thank you for god words and encouraging us ❤️

    1. Reena Shrestha

      27, May 2020 5 years ago

      M so glad u were blessed my lovely baini. Plz pray for this new journey of mine for His glory ..??

  8. Deepika Rai

    26, May 2020 5 years ago

    Thank you for sharing your wilderness experience and your victory.. waiting for more …

    1. Reena Shrestha

      27, May 2020 5 years ago

      Glad to know were blessed dear baini. i am so excited to be connected to u all again.❤️

  9. Nisha Selin

    26, May 2020 5 years ago

    Dear Reena really glad you started a blog … you had encouraged me to start one too.. ( which I haven’t ) Dear I loved the message …it’s too good… Keep going.. it really encouraged me .. and I agree with what you shared Loved this verse !! ?so apt for this situation….2 Corinthians 1:3-4

    “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

    May God Bless you and this blog you’ve begun for His glory and continue to use you to bless and lead many souls to Christ..

    1. Reena Shrestha

      27, May 2020 5 years ago

      Thank you for your kind comments my lovely Nishu..I am so glad to know you were blessed. I am sure you will start soon as well to bless and encourage many through what God puts in your heart .God has a right time and season for everything,so just keep praying and writing ok. Please continue to pray for thisnnew journey of mine for His glory.❤️?

  10. Asmita

    26, May 2020 5 years ago

    Its wonderful dede.. yes I am also feeling same but your encouragement and faith .. made me feel so good..
    Thank you for sharing..
    I am searching for my purpose… in this wilderness…

    1. Reena Shrestha

      27, May 2020 5 years ago

      I’m so glad u were blessed my lovely sis.. God will surely reveal His purpose to u one step at a time.

    2. Esther

      19, June 2020 5 years ago

      Thank you dee
      You are a blessing to me. God bless you more.

      1. Reena Shrestha

        27, July 2020 5 years ago

        Thank you Esther, Glad to know you were blessed.

  11. Roshan

    26, May 2020 5 years ago

    Great message and loved reading it. Please share more with us. Loved THE DESCRIPTION OF PUSH. And sure is true god will get us through this wilderness. Like you mention we tend to remember god more in a time of wilderness rather than when everything working according to our plans. May be during this time god wants us to get close to him and remember who is the source of our blessings/life/ health/love etc.
    keep it up Dd.

    1. Reena Shrestha

      27, May 2020 5 years ago

      Thank you very much for your kind comment bhai. please pray for this journey for His glory la.

  12. Bina Rai

    27, May 2020 5 years ago

    Really encouraging and inspiring, a much needed thing at the moment. Blessed by it.

    1. Reena Shrestha

      27, May 2020 5 years ago

      Thank you didi. All glory to Jesus.Please pray that I will be able to share more messages from the Lord in the days to come.

  13. Deep Manandhar

    27, May 2020 5 years ago

    Thank you for sharing the word of god. I was blessed reading this at this time of uncertainty. Looking forward to more of it. I was touched by this paragraph –
    He transforms us in the wilderness
    Besides giving us breakthroughs, God also uses our wilderness season to transform us into the image of Jesus. He breaks all the hard areas of our heart filled with pride and selfishness and turns it into a tender and compassionate one where God can pour out His Holy Spirit to heal, comfort and deliver many from their suffering .Jesus says in John 7:38, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”

    1. Reena Shrestha

      27, May 2020 5 years ago

      Thank you for your encouraging comment Deep.M so goad you were blessed.

  14. Prabina Parajuli

    27, May 2020 5 years ago

    Thank you for inspiring words Reena sister. You are always positive and loving persons I am touched with all words of God which you have written. It shows hope in this uncertain situation. Everything is possible with God. Sometimes we don’t have hope in our own life and feels worst and down. But unseeing powers and bright light comes and change every things that’s God miracles and love for us. So always believe in our almighty and our loving father.
    With love

    1. Reena Shrestha

      28, May 2020 5 years ago

      Thank you Prabina. I am so glad you are blessed.Yes we serve a faithful and loving God who will bring us out of wilderness into the promised land as we continually seek Him and Him alone.❤️❤️

  15. Prakash Pathak

    29, May 2020 5 years ago

    Thank you Rina for sharing such a wonderful and encouraging words to bless us!

    1. Reena Shrestha

      29, May 2020 5 years ago

      Thank you for your kind words Pastor dai..All glory to Jesus..Please pray for this new journey of mine for His glory .

  16. Rina Pathak

    29, May 2020 5 years ago

    Dear Reena bahini,
    Thank you so much for taking time to share your heart to us. So wonderfully you’ve communicated the message of anticipation to stimulate despondent hearts and see the despairing situations through the eyes of God. Indeed, sometimes God allow us to go through the wilderness experience to receive the blessings that “no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” (2 Corinthians 2:9 NIV). Your thoughts are really spectacular! I am so blessed bahini.

    1. Reena Shrestha

      29, May 2020 5 years ago

      So good to hear your kind words didi..All glory to Jesus who gave me those words to share .Please pray for for this new journey for mine la..

      1. Daya Nand Mishra

        02, June 2020 5 years ago

        Absolutely.With God all things are possible.Matthew19:26 .l am really so proud of you for sharing me such a wonderful and living words of lord our god who is our good shepherd . He is really amazing ,incredible , living and loving god. I am really blessed. Thank u so much.

  17. Daya Nand Mishra

    02, June 2020 5 years ago

    Absolutely.With God all things are possible.Matthew19:26 .l am really so proud of you for sharing me such a wonderful and living words of lord our god who is our good shepherd . He is really amazing ,incredible , living and loving god. I am really blessed. Thank u so much.

    1. Reena Shrestha

      02, June 2020 5 years ago

      Thank you Dai.. m glad you were blessed. All glory to Jesus!

  18. Leeza Kolev

    18, August 2020 5 years ago

    Proverbs 23:18; Wow, I love this verse.
    Thank you for blessing us with a great message Reena. Our God is indeed compassionate, loving, comforting, generous, just, mighty, powerful miracle-working God.
    Why are we hopeless and sad and dismayed at times?
    There are so many promises in the Bible to comfort us and help us in our dry seasons.
    Our God is a good God. He makes all things new, he makes the way in our wilderness, rivers of living water will flow in the desert if we just BELIEVE and learn to WAIT.

    1. Reena Shrestha

      18, August 2020 5 years ago

      Amen and Amen! What an awesome,loving and faithful God we serve hai?

  19. Asha

    19, August 2020 5 years ago

    Yes God is doing a new thing. I am blessed Di. Thank you so much for sharing.❤️

    1. Reena Shrestha

      19, August 2020 5 years ago

      Amen! so glad to hear u were blessed Asha.

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